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IPv6 Validator

With the IPv6 validator it is possible to test any website and verify if it already has the new protocol working. Through thumbnails you can see how a user with only IPv4, a user with only IPv6 and a user with both protocols can see the website. The IPv6 Validador also offers banners that indicates if the site already has IPv6 enabled.



The Test-IPv6 was originally created for the World IPv6 Day and allows any user to check whether it will have problems trying to browse in sites that support both protocols, as well as sites that support only IPv6.


IPv6 Capability Test

The APNIC and RIPE NCC have developed a tool to be used together with Google Analytics, which allows to visualize among the website visitors how many are able to access websites via IPv4, IPv6 and dual stack. You do not need to have IPv6 enabled on the website to use this tool, that means you can use the tool beforehand just to get to know the users profile before enabling IPv6 on the site.


Amount IPv4 address space available in Brazil

This page show the study made by LACNIC about the duration of the IPv4 stock, concluding that on the worst case it will exhaust in mid-2012, and on the best case in mid-2014. Note that the study is based on extrapolations of past data and does not take into account potential changes in the demand profile.


IPv6/IPv4 latency comparison based on RIPE TTM data

The CCL IPv6 uses the data from RIPE TTM to compare IPv4 and IPv6 latencies between several measuring points around the world. The results are displayed in a matrix, showing the percentage differences between lantencies and representing different situations by color: red = IPv6 slower than IPv4; green = similar latencies and blue = IPv6 faster than IPv4.


IPv4 Report - LACNIC

The LAC IPv4 Report has information about the IPv4 exhaustion in LAC region.


LAC IPv6 Portal

The LAC IPv6 Portal has documents, statistics, events and other information about IPv6 transition.



The IPv6 Monitoring System (SIMONv6) uses different measurement points located throughout the world, but mainly in Brazil and Latin America. It monitors the latency between many websites and NTP servers to the host (measurement point) through the HTTP (TCP) and NTP (UDP) protocols, respectively. It is possible to to view the data by origin and destiny, as well as some charts.


Análise dos TopSites do Alexa

The TopSites is part of the Web studies from CEPTRO. The system makes an automated weekly analysis that verifies several characterisitics of the Alexa top ranking websites. Among the analyzed characteristics of this 1,000,000 sites are the adherence to open standards, such as Web standards, accessibility, IPv6 support and NTP support on the server. You can view the results by fisrt level domain and also the analysis history.


.br sites analysis

The BRSites is part of the Web studies from CEPTRO. The system makes an automated weekly analysis that verifies several characteristics of a sample of websites registered under the .br ccTLD. Among the analyzed characteristics of the sites are the adherence to open standards, such as Web standards, accessibility, IPv6 support, NTP support on the server and some additional information, such as geolocalization and the type of server used. You can view the results by fisrt level domain and also the analysis history.


IPv6 in PTTMetro São Paulo IXP

The PTTMetro São Paulo is the largest Internet Exchange Point (IX) of the country. Some of the participants already have IPv6 enabled and you can view the statistics here.


IPv6 BGP Weathermap

The IPv6 BGP Weathermap is done based on the analisys of the Internet global routing table, allowing you to see charts and tables of the amount of prefixes advertised in each country among other features.


SixXS - IPv6 prefixes visibility on Ghost Route Hunter

The Ghost Route Hunter aims to detect ghost routes and other anomalies in the IPv6 global routing table. This page shows the number of prefixes allocated worldwide, by country and its visibility on the Internet.


IPv6 e-learning

This is the free e-learning course made by that introduces you to the basics of the IPv6.